Meet Our Dedicated Dietitians

Greetings from Sam Teece MPH RDN and Lainey Younkin MS RD, the Registered Dietitian Team at Benecol® USA. 

Sam Teece, MPH RDN & Lainey Younkin, MS RD

Sam Teece, MPH RDN & Lainey Younkin, MS RD

This is where we share recipes, exercise tips, and information on living a heart-healthy life, all of which is part of a well-rounded strategy for lowering cholesterol, and keeping it low. 

It all starts with eating Benecol® spreads every day. So follow along, and show your heart some love.

Join us on Instagram to see Benecol® come to life!

Using Benecol® consistently at meals and snack times ensures that you are getting enough buttery spread to provide 2 grams of plant stanols per day, which is the recommended amount that may help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by decreasing cholesterol levels in the body. 

Here's a sample 1-Day meal plan: 


  • Fruit Fusion Toast - 1 tablespoon Benecol® mixed with 1 tablespoon fruit spread, on 2 pieces of toast
  • Hard-boiled egg
  • 1 small piece of fruit 
  • Coffee and water


  • Tuna Salad - mix 1 tablespoon mayo + 1 tablespoon olive oil + dash of black pepper with 1/2 can of tuna (packed in water); put onto a mixed green salad and drizzle with low-fat salad dressing, like balsamic vinaigrette

Afternoon Snack

  • Carrots and hummus, or fruit and yogurt!


  • Chicken with Herb Butter - mix 1 tablespoon Benecol® with 1 teaspoon dried Italian seasoning, and spread on a warm piece of grilled chicken. Pair with sauteed or steamed vegetables and a small dinner roll.  

How to fit 30 minutes of exercise into your day without missing a beat.

Walking is a great way to get your heart pumping and your butt in gear, and 10 minutes here and there will add up to 30 minutes across the whole day!

  • Park your car at the farthest parking spot from the store (5 minutes there, 5 minutes back = 10 minutes)
  • Get off the bus or train 1-2 stops early (10 minutes)
  • Pace while talking on the phone (10 minutes)
  • At lunchtime, set a timer and walk around the parking lot before you sit down to eat (15 minutes)
  • At every commercial of your favorite TV show, get up and stretch, do arm circles, knee lifts, etc. (15 minutes across a 1-hour show)